WooCommerce Simple Auctions v3.0 bidder verification and auto charge for won auctions

We have released new update for WooCommerce Simple Auctions v3.0 with two new features you asked for: allow bids if user has stored credit card and auto charge for won auctions if user has stored credit card. These new features work with WooCommerce Stripe Payment gateway.

First one allows users which have valid payment option saved (credit card) to place bids. This way you can verify user’s payment method.

Second feature allows to automatically charge saved card in case user has won auction. Order is automatically created and saved credit card is charged.

New settings in WooCommerce Settings > Auctions tab.
WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway setting that needs to be enabled for these new features.
Screenshot of user’s My Account page > Payment methods with saved credit card. Credit cards are saved on Stripe not on your website so no worries about PCI compliance.

New version is published on CodeCanyon. If you have questions feel free to open support ticket.