Elementor page builder is getting more and more popular so here are quick things you can do to make your WordPress site a bit faster and working on the site easier. Search engines also love fast websites so there is really no justification not to do couple of changes in Elementor settings to speed it up.
Disable AI features in wp-admin. Go to your user profile and uncheck “Enable Elementor AI funcionality”.
Disable landing pages feature. Go to Elementor > Settings > Features tab. This is deprecated feature and will be removed in future updates anyway.
In general settings Elementor > Settings > General tab disable option “Usage Data Sharing”. No need for additional requests going out of your website.
For security reasons disable “Generator Tag” in Elementor > Settings > Advanced tab. There is no need to advertise which version of Elementor you use.
Set performance parameters properly. Elementor > Settings > Performance tab should look like screenshot below:
In Element Manager disable elements / widgets you don’t use.
When creating website using Elementor best way is to start with Hello Elementor theme (which is optimized and coded to the proper standards), in fact install that theme and its child theme so you can easily place customizations and code snippets in Hello Elementor child theme.
Here you can find how to increase memory limit for WordPress and how to speed WP maintenance tasks done with scheduled tasks / cronjobs.
In case navigating your site still feels slow – let us know, I’m sure we can help.